


I am a girl with a clear vision of where I want to go in life. I have set ambitious goals for myself, and I am motivated to work hard to achieve them. Whether it's pursuing a specific career, starting my own business, or making a difference in my community, I am determined to make my mark on the world. I am constantly seeking out opportunities to learn and grow, and I am not afraid to take risks or step outside of my comfort zone. I am resilient in the face of challenges, and I view setbacks as opportunities to learn and improve. I am organized and focused, and I prioritize my time and energy towards the things that matter most to me. I am also adaptable and able to adjust my plans as needed, while still staying true to my overall vision and goals. Overall, I am a girl with a passion for life and a drive to succeed. I am excited to see where my hard work and determination will take me, and I am committed to making the most of every opportunity that comes my way. PiaVelez »

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Info updated: 2024, Jun, 28

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  1. Turns on or: There are many things in life that I find fulfilling and enjoyable. I have a passion for learning and growth, and I am always seeking out new experiences and opportunities to expand my horizons. Whether it's pursuing a challenging new project, traveling to a new place, or trying a new hobby, I love to push myself outside of my comfort zone and explore new possibilities.
  2. Not : As a girl with aspirations, there are certain things in life that I don't particularly enjoy or that don't align with my goals and values. For instance, I don't like feeling stagnant or complacent, and I often feel restless if I'm not working towards something meaningful. I also don't like being around people who are negative or unsupportive, as this can drain my energy and make it harder for me.
  3. Pictures: PiaVelez

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